MG-SOFT Net Inspector Fault and Performance Manager
Available editions
MG-SOFT Net Inspector is available in four editions. Editions differ regarding the number of network devices and managed objects(*) that can be monitored, regarding the support for NetFlow/sFlow monitoring, and regarding the number of supported polling engines.
The following editions of MG-SOFT Net Inspector are available:
Net Inspector LITE Edition This is the entry level edition that lets you use one polling engine and enables monitoring up to 256 managed objects, but not more than 64 devices in total. This edition does NOT support NetFlow/sFlow monitoring. | |
Net Inspector WorkGroup Edition This edition lets you use one polling engine and enables monitoring up to 2000 managed objects, but not more than 500 devices in total. It also supports NetFlow/sFlow data monitoring from up to two NetFlow/sFlow sources. | |
Net Inspector Enterprise Edition This edition lets you deploy 10 polling engine modules for distributed monitoring and data collection. This edition enables monitoring up to 4000 managed objects, but not more than 1000 devices in total. It permits NetFlow/sFlow data monitoring from up to 100 NetFlow/sFlow sources. The Enterprise Edition comes with a license for Advanced Configuration Utility (a tool for creating custom polling configurations and profiles in Net Inspector). Furthermore, this edition can be easily upscaled by adding additional blocks of licenses. Each additional block of licenses will allow monitoring additional 4000 objects, but not more than additional 1000 devices in total and will permit additional 100 NetFlow/sFlow sources and adding 10 additional polling engine modules. This way Net Inspector's capacity can seamlessly grow with your network. | |
Net Inspector Carrier Edition This edition lets you deploy 40 polling engine modules for distributed monitoring and data collection. This edition enables monitoring up to 16000 managed objects, but not more than 4000 devices in total. It permits NetFlow/sFlow data monitoring from up to 400 NetFlow/sFlow sources. The Carrier Edition also comes with a license for Advanced Configuration Utility (a tool for creating custom polling configurations and profiles in Net Inspector). Furthermore, this edition can be easily upscaled by adding additional blocks of licenses. Each additional block of licenses will allow monitoring additional 4000 objects, but not more than additional 1000 devices in total and will permit additional 100 NetFlow/sFlow sources and adding 10 additional polling engine modules. This way Net Inspector's capacity can seamlessly grow with your network. |