MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder
Screen shots
Visual MIB Builder main window
The New MIB Module Wizard ia a user-friendly feature that helps you create the basic structure of a new SMIv2 MIB module in a few simple steps. Using this wizard, you can create a new MIB module in minutes, no matter if you are designing a product-specific or an enterprise global (top-level) MIB module.
Desired SMIv1 or SMIv2 MIB nodes (depending on the SMI version of the MIB module you are building) can be dragged from the SMI Components window to the appropriate location in the MIB tree.
Assigning MIB Node Properties. In the left pane, you select a desired MIB node. In the right pane, Visual MIB Builder displays appropriate input fields for the selected node and the user must enter desired values in these fields. For some 'complex' properties (e.g., when entering SNMP Syntax) Visual MIB Builder opens a separate window. Node Description, References, comments, and some other properies are assigned in Additional MIB Node Properties window.
Assigning MIB node syntax
Assigning SNMP table index
Assigning additional MIB node properties
The SNMP Table Edit dialog provides a convenient interface for creating and/or editing the entire table definition (i.e., a table object, a row object and all columnar objects in the given SNMP table).
MIB Node Preview window displays the ASN.1 code for the currently selected MIB node.
MIB Definition Preview window displays the ASN.1 code of the entire MIB module.
Visual MIB Builder's Consistency Checker thoroughly checks the syntax and semantics of the built MIB module and reports all detected inconsistencies. Double-clicking a report message displays the properties of the MIB node, which the message refers to, so you can fix the inconsistency in no time.
Visual MIB Builder's lets you convert SMIv1 MIBs into SMIv2 format as well as SMIv2 MIBs into SMIv1 format. Both conversions are compliant with the 'Coexistence RFC'. When converting MIBs from SMIv1 into SMIv2, SMI Conformance Wizard helps you create all required conformance statements.
Besides adding revisions to MIB modules, Visual MIB Builder also lets you view and compare definitions of different revisions, as well as remove them. Nodes marked with the lock icon indicate that only a limited subset of their properties can be modified.
Visual MIB Builder lets you open and repair MIB definition (source) files that contain some commonly found errors related to missing or invalid MIB object definitions. In such case, it informs you about invalid or missing nodes, when you open the MIB file. You should run the SMI Consistency Wizard that will help you correct the broken or missing definition of the Type Assignment or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION objects.
- Current release:
2021 (Ver. 15)
Updated: Thu, 07-Mar-2019. Copyright (C) 1995-2019 MG-SOFT Corporation. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy